
Current Pastoral Openings
at MC Sask

First Mennonite Church, Saskatoon, SK  1.0 FTE Pastor 
First Mennonite Church invites applications for a full-time pastoral position. We are located in the heart of Saskatoon's City Park neighborhood across the street from City Hospital. We are an older congregation, with about 40 regular attendees, as well as many members living at Bethany Manor who participate virtually and in congregational events held there.

We are dedicated to living obediently to Jesus’ teaching and to supporting and serving in the church. We seek a pastor who will support us in these biblical and Anabaptist values and who will nurture warm and caring relationships, particularly through pastoral care and visitation. We also value opportunities to fellowship through shared food and learning. We appreciate sermons that thoughtfully connect scripture with our lives and the world around us.

We invite expression of interest for a position starting January 2025. To learn more about us, visit the church website ( or email Peter Wiebe (search committee chair) at


Osler Mennonite Church, Osler, SK  O.5 - 1.0 FTE Pastor 

Osler Mennonite Church is a congregation that celebrates peace and inclusion. We invite applications for a lead pastor who is committed to the Christian faith from an Anabaptist perspective and the larger Mennonite Church. We love a good sermon that challenges us, and a potluck that brings us together.

We are a rural/urban congregation on the outskirts of Saskatoon with 65 regular attendees and 125 members. We have a small and active youth group, in a congregation of all ages, supported by a 3/4 time associate pastor.

We invite candidates who are seeking a position between 0.5 – 1.0 FTE. We anticipate a start date of spring 2025 however this may be negotiable. To learn more about us, visit or check out our Facebook page. For further inquiries and to apply, email

Pleasant Point Mennonite Church, Rural (near Clavet, SK) 0.25 FTE Pastor

Pleasant Point Mennonite Church invites applications to fill a 0.25 FTE pastoral position with an anticipated start date of September 2024. We are looking for a pastor who will speak one Sunday morning per month, help communicate important information to congregation members, and offer pastoral care for the sick and elderly or others as needs arise.

We are a welcoming, rural congregation located approximately 25 minutes outside of Saskatoon and about 10 minutes from Clavet. Among our approximately 40 active members, we have many retired, elderly folks with a sprinkling of middle-aged couples whose children are mostly grown. We are part of Mennonite Church Saskatchewan, rooted in the Anabaptist tradition that incorporates peace and justice as practical expressions of Christian faith. Learn more about our congregation at

Inquiries can be sent via Josh Wallace at the Mennonite Church Saskatchewan office, We look forward to getting to know you!


Warman Mennonite Church, Warman, SK  O.5 FTE Pastor

The congregation of Warman Mennonite Church is seeking a pastor-shepherd to come walk with us on our faith journey. We are a congregation of 40 members and attendees who focus on building relationships with each other and within the community of  Warman, Saskatchewan, located 10 minutes from Saskatoon. We are looking for a half-time (0.5 FTE) pastor-shepherd who will tend the relationships of our congregation, alongside speaking 2-3 times per month, providing pastoral care, taking part in congregational leadership, and being a point of contact for administrative information. For more information, visit

Inquiries can be sent via Josh Wallace at the Mennonite Church Saskatchewan office,


MC Sask holds the ministry credentials of the member congregations. Credentialing is done through PLC, there are three credentials within the Mennonite Church:
• License for Specific Ministry
• License Towards Ordination
• Ordination

If you would like more information contact Josh Wallace, Church Engagement Minister:, 306-381-7260.

Faithful Presence

Click on the links below for Faithful Presence and Seven Practices for the Church on Mission

Faithful Presence PDF Faithful Presence doxSeven Practices for the Church on Mission

Pastor Peer Groups

Every pastor in MC Sask is welcome to be part of a pastor peer group. These groups are diverse in their representation of gender, age, and geographical location, and typically meet monthly for times of support, renewal, and sharing.

If you would like to join a group, contact Len Rempel, Executive Minister: 