Doing together what we cannot do alone                                

Who We Are

Mennonite Church Saskatchewan is a community of 21 Mennonite congregations across Saskatchewan who have convenanted together to be Christ Centred and Sent as we support each other in ministry, to do things together which we cannot do alone, to be Church together throughout the province, and to connect to the larger Mennonite Church in Canada and around the world.

Who we are video

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We Believe in Community

From young to old, we believe all have something to contribute.

God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy, and peace, so that God's healing and hope flow through us to the world.

- Vision Statement of the Mennonite Church 

Learn More About Us


MC Sask is a body of churches covenanted together to be Christ Centred and Sent. We are large and small, rural and urban, old and young, but most importantly, we are a family of believers learning together what it means to be disciples of Jesus Christ. Visit one of our churches today!

Upcoming Events

2025 MC Sask Gathering

March 7th

The MC Sask Gathering 2025 (annual delegate sessions) will be held at RJC High School on March 7 & 8, 2025.  The theme is "Differences for the Common Good"  Registration now open!

MC Sask News

Partner Events

Shekinah Winter Family Fun Day

February 17th

Shekinah Winter Family Fun Day:  Monday, February 17. 11 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Tobogganing, snowshoeing, skating and broomball.

RJC Grade 9 Open House

March 5th

Are you a Grade 8 student or parent transitioning to Grade 9? If so, this event is for you!

RJC Songs & Sweets

March 9th

We invite supporters, alumni and friends to help us to celebrate the legacy of music and generosity with the RJC community at Songs & Sweets: A Fundraising Concert & Cake Auction.

SMYO Coffee Fundraiser

Through Level Ground Trading Co., funds are raised each year to help youth attend the two SMYO retreats, for large assemblies and trips, and scholarships. To date over $10,000 has been raised, and we are very grateful for this support!
Orders are welcome on an individual or congregational/corporate level. We collect orders until we can complete a full order (usually in 2 weeks), and our order takes approximately 5 business days to arrive
Large orders may be shipped directly to you - contact the office for details. No stock is kept on hand.
Online ordering available here: Online Coffee orders
Contact the MC Sask office ( 
or 306-249-4844 ext 3) with any questions.


Our weekly email contains
updates and announcements
from MC Sask, MC Canada and our communities  

     Sign up for our weekly email        Check out previous emails

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Nationwide News

 MCEC News

MCM News

MCA News


CommonWord is the national bookstore and resource centre
of Mennonite Church Canada and Canadian Mennonite University.
We serve the Mennonite and wider ecumenical church, the university community and the general public.
We hold the values of Anabaptism – community-building, peacemaking, and Christian discipleship
– and offer personal and congregational resources that inspire such faith.

Go to site

Our Office Team

Len Rempel

Executive Minister

Evan Bueckert

Interim Youth Minister

Marianne Siemens

Office & Financial Administrator

Mennonite Church Canada
Mennonite Church Canada is a covenanted partnership among:

MC Eastern Canada MC Manitoba MC Saskatchewan MC Alberta MC British Columbia

The overall mission of the partnership is the vision healing and hope statement:

God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ
and, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
to grow as communities
of grace, joy and peace
so that God's healing and hope
flow through us to the world.

Contact Us