Currently, MC Canada has Witness support networks supporting eight of our ministries in China, Thailand, South Korea, Philippines, Palestine/Israel, Benin, Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, Ethiopia and Colombia. A new group is forming to support ministry in Myanmar. Congregations and individuals interested in supporting a specific ministry meet online quarterly each year to hear directly from international ministry partners, to share what they are doing in their own communities and to build relationships that go beyond borders of countries, languages and cultures. Becoming a global church enriches the life of the local church. Relationships with international siblings in faith, some built over decades, are a precious resource for us as Canadian congregations.

MC Sask congregations who are active members of MC Canada Witness support networks are:

• China ministry - Carrot River MC, Rosthern MC, Zion MC(Swift Current)
• Thailand ministry - Eyebrow MC
• South Korea ministry - Grace MC (Regina), Eigenheim MC
• Ethiopia ministry - North Star MC (Drake) 

Join us as we build relationships and share resources. For more information on how you can join a Witness Support Network or to donate to a specific ministry visit: or contact MC Sask at